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By now, many have heard the tragic story of J35 Tahlequah, one of ca. 73 Southern Resident Orcas battling extinction for lack of food and other risk factors, who lost her calf in 2018.  


Her loss was felt round the world then, when she held the dead baby at the waters' surface for 17 days and 1000 miles.


In a tragic and predictable turn, it's happened again.


Tahlequah's latest calf, J61, born in late December 2024, struggled in the days after the birth and died soon thereafter.  She's holding this latest deceased newborn at the surface, again.  It is heartbreaking.  Lack of nutrition, specifically chinook salmon, is a major risk factor for all Southern Resident Orcas. 


How many times must this happen before humans will take the obvious measure of breaching the four fish-killing Lower Snake Dams to recover the endangered Chinook salmon that sustain them? 


We hope you will learn about Tahlequah's story from this 2018 video and be inspired to act on her behalf and that of her family, before it's too late for them all.   ​


Your role? Be the one to Push our Petition over a MILLION signatures by joining over 932,000 people who have already signed.  Surely those in power can be moved to act.  And, visit our Take Action page.  Encouragement from the public can give them a reason to act.  Please share the petition with friends, family and everyone you know  who cares about intact ecosystems, Southern Resident Orcas and Pacific Northwest salmon. ​

DamTRUTH and the Southern Resident Killer Whale Chinook Salmon Initiative promote chinook salmon abundance for endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales’ survival and recovery.



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Billions of public dollars have been spent over four decades trying to overcome the salmon-killing design of the four lower Snake River dams. Nothing has worked. Salmon cannot wait any longer. To prevent extinction, the dams must be breached now.


Artwork by Taylor Spaccarotelli  @_tdubs_creative_

This image is copyright protected.  Click to request permission to use this Infographic online or on posters, flyers, brochures, placemats, etc., or if you have ideas on how to put it in front of more people, feedback or questions send an email.

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DamTruth is focused on escalating the critical urgency of lower Snake River dam breaching, disseminating key information and updates, while encouraging the public to ACT.  Actions include pushing our petition over the 1 MILLION mark as well as contacting Federal administration officials, governors and members of the Northwest delegation and demanding the lower Snake River dams to be breached now.


Now is the best opportunity in decades to save wild salmon, steelhead, Southern Resident Killer Whales and other salmon-dependent species.


In addition, the climate, social and economic benefits are far-reaching, increasing marine nutrients to the Snake River Basin through restored salmon runs, recovering 280 miles of riparian habitat to sequester carbon and filter toxins, renewing BPA, honoring Native American treaty rights, reinvigorating river communities, and providing certainty to make stakeholders whole.


A Win Win for the Pacific Northwest and the nation.


Join us?



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Legal Rights for the Salish Sea has been educating communities and decision makers about the plight of the Southern Resident Orcas who are facing extinction, and how we can help through a campaign rooted in the Rights of Nature since 2016. 


In late 2022 and 2023, 5 cities and 3 counties in Washington signed proclamations recognizing the inherent rights of the Southern Resident Orcas. Also in 2023, we began our partnership with the Northwest Animal Rights Network (NARN). Their legal expertise and collaborative nature have been vital to our progress, as well as the crafting of a statewide bill that will be introduced into the 2025 WA state legislative session. 


In the summer of 2024, the Environment and Climate Caucus (ECC) of the Washington State Democrats adopted our resolution recognizing the inherent rights of the Southern Residents, as well as our resolution to establish rights for the Snake River.


There has been a great deal of momentum within the rights of Nature movement. In fact, in 2023, Panama recognized the rights of Sea Turtles! Our statewide bill will be the first of its kind in the US for recognizing the inherent rights of an animal species. 

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Since 2013, Dam Sense, founded by Jim Waddell, PE, US Army Corps civil engineer and policy expert (retired), has, with a team of experts, been providing comprehensive reports and white papers based on a technical review of government generated documents about the lower Snake River dams. These include explanations on the failed economics and fish passage facilities, the inadequacy of interim spill measures to prevent salmon and steelhead extinction, and the feasibility of immediate breaching by the executive branch.

Dam Sense believes it is vital to understand the truth about the lower Snake River dams in order to achieve a brighter future, filled with vibrant local economies, abundant fishable wild salmon and steelhead, recovering Southern Resident Orcas, a financially viable Bonneville Power Administration, less tax and ratepayer waste, and responsible stewardship of ecosystems.


Dam Sense

In February of 2024, the dam breaching world lost a hero when Jim Waddell lost his battle with cancer.  


Tribute to Jim Waddell


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BPA (Bonneville Power Administration) is $15 Billion in debt and in the last 10 years has burned through over $900 Million of financial reserves.

BPA faces major recurring costs for fish mitigation as Snake River threatened and endangered salmon and steelhead species slide toward extinction. 


BPA’s aging hydropower assets will require ever greater amounts of costly repairs and thus major capital investments. 


On May 1, 2019 Moody’s Investment Service downgraded BPA’s investment rating from stable to negative.

In 2028, BPA’s long-term contracts with most or all of 135 Public Utility Districts come to an end.  If BPA is unable to offer competitive pricing —by 2023, according to the agency’s top administrator—BPA’s captive customers will find other sources for part or all of their energy  needs. 


Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson recently told a reporter with Boise’s KIVITV “The Bonneville Power Administration is going broke. I don’t know what other word to use.”

Read more in Lin Laughy's report:  New Perspectives

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Even after the birth of two new calves in 2020 and one calf in early 2021, roughly 74 Southern Resident orcas remain.  The amazing whale we call J35 Tahlequah, whose grief was felt around the world in 2018 when she carried  her dead calf on her rostrum for 17 days and 1000 miles, gave birth to a robust male calf in September 2020.  Several weeks later, J41 Eclipse gave birth to another bouncy calf.  Then in January 2021 a newborn male calf was seen swimming alongside L86, Surprise!.  These new births give the critically endangered Southern Residents a glimmer of hope that their clan may yet survive. 


But plentiful chinook salmon is the key to the Southern Resident orcas’ continued existence, and right now, salmon are anything but abundant.  Breaching the four lower Snake River dams is the single best opportunity to increase chinook availability, since historically, the undammed Snake River produced huge salmon runs.


After nearly 900,000 people from around the world have signed the petition to breach the four lower Snake River dams to save salmon and Southern Resident Orcas, the politicians still say they need to see more public support for dam breaching.  Somehow, they’re not getting the message!


Let’s tell them directly that the people want lower Snake River dam breaching by also flooding their offices with messages and phone calls!  Please use these message links and phone numbers to reach out to those in power who can make a difference if they choose.  So far, they’re not convinced.


We must continue to educate these decision makers that people around the world support immediate Snake River dam breaching to save the Southern Resident orcas.





  • ECONorthwest Lower Snake River Dams Economic Tradeoffs of Removal, Prepared for Vulcan Inc.  July 2019:  Executive Summary, Full Report.


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