This collection of stories spotlights individual orcas belonging to the Southern Resident community; those we have lost and those yet with us . Each whale has their own remarkable life. Get to know them! They have created an amazing community.

L87 Onyx
b. 1992
Onyx, a 30-year-old male, is easily recognized by his impressively tall dorsal fin with a small hook at the tip pointing to the right. Onyx was born to Olympia (L-32) who died in October 2005 when Onyx was 13 years old. An amazing event happened on that sad day and is recounted later in this story.

J46 Star
b. 2009
Like many of the Southern Resident Killer Whales, twelve-year-old J46 Star has experienced more than her fair share of sadness and loss. Her mother died when she was only seven. These fish-eating orcas never leave their mothers. When their mother dies, the offspring continue to travel with family members or blend into another family.