Saving the Salmon, Saving Ourselves - Washington Indivisible Podcast
If you've heard about the recent release of the draft report commissioned by Gov. Inslee and Sen. Murray, you'll know that saving the salmon is on everyone's mind.
And with good reason. Salmon are essential to our region–on our economy, our environment, and our cultural heritage--and their populations are threatened.
Their potential loss would have a devastating effect, not least on our struggling Orca population, but especially on tribal nations in the Pacific Northwest whose lives and culture are inextricably linked to these fish populations.
One of the more important efforts to save the salmon is focused on breaching four dams on the Snake River, something that was the subject of the draft report.
Discussing all of this is an exceptional panel:
Emily Washines— is an historian, educator, author and member of the Yakama Nation facilitating equitable history
Dr. Helen Neville— is the senior scientist for Trout Unlimited, performing research, science guidance and public education on salmon and trout recovery
Bryan Jones— is a 4th generation wheat grower, orchardist and salmon recovery advocate
Marc Sullivan— is northwest Washington coordinator for the Save Our wild Salmon Coalition and formerly served as director of strategic and power supply planning for Seattle City Light.
- We need to comment on the draft report by July 11.
- Because this is a federal issue, actions need to be directed to Governor Inslee and Senator Murray, who are developing a comprehensive plan.
Comment by July 11
- You can comment directly to the consultants working with Governor Inslee and Senator Murray.
- Online comments can be submitted through the project website:
- Emailed comments can be sent to with the email subject line “Draft LSRD Benefit Replacement Study.”
- Comments also may be mailed to Draft LSRD Benefit Replacement Study c/o Ross Strategic, 1325 Fourth Ave., Suite 1600,Seattle, WA 98101.
Comments are due by July 11.
- You can also comment through’s website, where they have a comment form with sample text.
- Go to, under the support us page is take action
- Action alerts:…ion-alerts.html
- Comment link:…ndex.html
- On the consultant’s site for the project:
SUGGESTED COMMENT LANGUAGE: (provided by Don and the panelists)
Right now the report’s tables only show the costs of breaching the dams with no table summarizing the costs of leaving the dams in place. Please provide a companion data table reflecting the costs of leaving the dams in place — which will provide a more accurate comparison of costs.
There are other actions groups can take. Contact Don at if you or your group want to get more involved.